
Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Best Gluten Free Cupcakes In All The Land...

...are from Trader Joe's.

Y'all heeeeaaard me. The best gluten free cupcakes I've ever had (and I've tried lots), are from the one and only Trader Joe's, and come in at about $1 per cupcake. (At the TJ's on 5th and 21st in NYC they were $3.99 for a pack of four.)

I'm seriously just as surprised as you are. (Unless of course you knew about this already and didn't tell me. Which is so mean. Why you no share?)

The thing is, I want EVERYONE to know about these chocolate cupcakes with vanilla buttercream frosting. The cake is deliriously moist and dark and chocolatey, which you know is an accurate description because I'm actually using the word moist. And the frosting? Holy shit I want an entire tub of it and a spoon immediately. 

Really guys. You have GOT to try them. Have a cupcake taste-off even. I'm so sure that these will win. 

PS. Trader Joe's did not bribe me to write this, though I wish they did. Mr. Joe, sir, if you would like to reimburse me for the 3 containers of cupcakes I purchased as 'research', I wouldn't be mad. But I might use the $$ to buy more cupcakes. 

PPS. Here are the ingredients, for those who are interested: powdered sugar, cane sugar, unsalted butter, buttermilk, water, cream, canola oil, rice flour, eggs, potato starch, cocoa powder, tapioca starch, vanilla extract, salt, sodium bicarbonate, xanthan gum, baking powder, coffee


  1. Ah I need to see if my TJs is stocking these, I need them in my life!

  2. Ooh, I'm always looking for more GF cupcakes. Thanks for the rec. I don't know if you've tried The Little Cakes cupcakes? Someone got me them for my birthday a couple years ago and they're pretty awesome. I couldn't tell that they were GF at all. They're homemade and they deliver anywhere in Manhattan.

    1. oh my gosh I hadn't even heard of The Little Cakes! google-ing now. thanks for the tip!!

  3. I went on a hunt for these at my TJs and didn't find them. I am dying for good cupcakes and gluten-free baking is very intimidating to me still. Hoping to find these the next time I go to TJs though. Gotta keep wishing I guess!

    1. oh no!! maybe ask an employee next time you go? they're usually really helpful. good luck!

  4. Hi Katie!

    I love these gluten free cupcakes at TJs. Have you also tried gluten free cupcakes at Whole Foods Market? Just as tasty! Also wanted to share that I have a gluten free blog as well, Gluten Free Mom To Be. Please come and check it out! I'm in New Jersey so it's great to come upon another East coast gluten free blogger. Thanks for the great recipes and product recommendations.


    1. oohh I haven't - are they whole foods brand, or something else? would love to pick some up and give them a try!

      I just checked out your blog (it's beautiful!) and followed you on Twitter, so we can definitely connect there :) I'm actually from NJ, so also very happy to meet you!


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